Sunday, June 28, 2015

Farmers' Market Love and a Potato Sorrel Salad

Summer brings me out of my cold, dark days of winter funk. It is not only the warmth and sunshine but our bustling Farmers' Market that makes the difference for me.

I am amused by a person's first bite into one of my Saskatoon Berry and White Chocolate scones. The eyes roll into the back of their head and a generous nature turns to greed. "Go buy your own! I'm not sharing!"

Or Susan, who told me yesterday how she loves my hand pies, whether saskatoon, strawberry rhubarb or peach.

Or Derrick from Black Bridge Brewery admiring my artisan breads. And he offered me spent grains from the brewery. I will be experimenting with those grains in my breads.

Summer brings out our innate cheer and generosity. I love it when people at the market are free with their appreciation, comments and ideas. Fellow vendors gift me snap peas, baby carrots and microgreens with the biggest smiles. A much appreciated cup of iced water arrives from another vendor on the 30 C day.

In return I walk around sharing my closing time cinnamon buns to thank those cheery people that "made my day".

Potato Sorrel Salad

I remind myself, especially in market season, that there is no excuse big enough to eat fast food. If you keep a few boiled eggs in the fridge there is no end to the healthy meals you can create. This took me 15 minutes. Don't worry if the potatoes aren't chilled. When they are warm they absord the vinaigrette more easily.

2 boiled eggs
4 cooked medium potatoes, boiled with kosher salt
small bunch of sorrel leaves
small handful of fresh chives
6 snap peas
1 tbsp. Gravelbourg Mustard grainy mustard
4 tbsp. Three Farmers camelina oil
2 tbsp. Petrofka Bridge Orchard apple cider vinegar
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste.

Peel and roughly chop the boiled eggs. Add roughly chopped cooked potatoes.

In a jar add mustard, oil and vinegar. Shake well to mix.

Steam sorrel leaves and roughly chop. Slice raw snap peas, pod and all, on the diagonal in smallish pieces. These will add crunch to the salad. Snip chives. Add to the potato egg mixture.

Toss with vinaigrette and top with microgreens. Serve immediately. Serves 2 - 4.

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